Sri Lanka, also known as “Ceylon” is surrounded by the blue waters of the Indian Ocean offering an astonishingly impressive landscape coupled with a soothing climate pleasing all tastes. In this tropical island filled with bright blue seas and sandy shores around, the temperature rarely falls below 27°C.
“The Legacy of the British” or the tantalizing hills in the center of the country with the most glowing sights accompanied by the greenery of tea plantations, natural water falls and canals on the cool and misty mountain ranges simply portrait a world filled with color. On the other hand, the primordial monuments in the Northern and North East provinces, the enormous bio-diversity all around the land coupled with the sociable conduct of natives, well explains why you need to explore Sri Lanka.
To project Ceylon as an exotic destination unveiling the unique splendor in the island
Focused on re-branding Sri Lanka
“LetsgoCeylon.com” is a beautiful concept where its inception took place through travelling itself while exploring the splendor of Sri Lanka. We, Shadini and Malith at LetsgoCeylon understand the best in Ceylon, since it is our motherland. Thus an initiative has been taken to promote our fascinating island-nation to everyone, so that you could visit and explore the hidden magnificence in Sri Lanka and shout out to the rest of the world.
We are dedicated in providing you with interesting and informative travel, adventure and photography blogs on some of the must visit destinations in the island which carries importance in tourism and hospitality, whilst unleashing the stories on relaxing sandy shores, wildlife, cultural heritages and much more on adventurous and scenic locations in the country.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. – Andre Gide
About Shadini & Malith?
Malith : Despite wandering in different places in Sri Lanka, admiring the beautiful sceneries they saw and scribbling small notes about them, Shadini & Malith did not have much in common. Malith is a Software Engineer and a graduate from University of Westminster, UK who always had a very busy schedule. He is and also a Oracle certified Java Programmer.
Nevertheless how busy he is, designing web sites, searching for new concepts and making very creative UI’s were his passion which he never was short of time. Another specialty about Malith is the classic hobby he had which he gradually enhanced after a gift he received from Shadini on his 25th birthday!! Well thanks to the Nikon D5200 he received that day, he is a good photographer now. Since then, whenever tripping, his camera has been his best buddy from which he captures some of the amazing views of Sri Lanka.
To add something more about Malith, he has a very artistic mindset and is a committed travel nerd who is dedicated to produce something unique. It is solely his hard work which makes every single photo which was captured through his camera lens, a creative and artistically post processed one which has thus far made all uploads in LetsgoCeylon inspiring.
Shadini - On the other hands, she has her own set of interests. She is a Investment Research Analyst who is always engaged in writing research reports on different financial aspects of Sri Lankan corporate world. Shadini is a graduate from University of Colombo and completed her Masters in Business Administration few years back.
Despite her work-life she has made tripping around Sri Lanka her passion and always finds time to go on any type of adventure tour in this nake-of-the-woods and loves to make some sneak peaks in the clicks of Malith whenever he had requested for.
Reading, writing and narrating are some of the best skills that Shadini had from her school days. So whenever she is engaged in them, she puts her whole heart and soul. That’s what makes any piece of her writing interesting. So it is assured that all these travel writes what you get to read are her own creations done with lot of effort to make them appealing!!
Live, Travel and Discover the Undiscovered!! - Shadini & Malith
Join us to read our posts, get useful tips about Sri Lanka and come and explore this beautiful Ceylon by yourself!! #LetsgoCeylon